Two new series for 2008 and an updated metallic Strata look will be introduced in Tucson. Let me tell you a little about them and I will post photos later, just to maintain the mystery a bit longer. (updated 02/15/08 with photos! click the photos to ENLARGE)
LUFT: A Hollow Metallic Bead Series

a. Luft (German for "air") - a hollow bead series that plays with minimal texture for visual appeal and is a special transparent metallic finish that I have been playing with. Hollow beads are ideal for beadwork design because they are light so you can use MANY of them. I hope to have time to design something fabulous with these beads soon. The metallic finish compliments iris, AB, satin and luster beads well. It has been FOUR years since I've made hollow beads and it was fun to be challenged by this old friend. There will be MANY colors available but above shows the first few introduced in Tucson. What magic a poof of air can do to glass!
SANDSTORM: A Metallic Series

b. Sandstorm is based off of the Strata series but has a metallic finish instead. A mix of transparent and opaque glass are used to create a floating sandstorm maelstrom that swirls about with small earthy inclusions. This organic bead compliments iris, AB, satin and luster beads well.
STRATA: A Metallics Series

c. There will also be a limited selection of metallic Strata beads available, made while testing out the Sandstorm series. This will be offered periodically at shows when I experiment with Sandstorm colors.
Some Additional Comments: If you haven't noticed, I don't like signing my work. I find signature canes generally detract from the flow of the design and the bead, itself. Even the titanium pens, which are used by some artists, scratch the bead's surface and are not all that appealing to me. Besides, I want my beads to have a life of their own, to speak for themselves, and find their way into your fabulous jewelry designs. Anyone who follows glass bead artists will know my signature work. One can of course collect glass beads but I want my beads to be utilized, instead of hidden in some display cabinet, where only a few people can appreciate. I work hard to come up with designs that can be easily incorporated into finished jewelry with an affordable price-point in mind. Although my more complicated beads will be pricier, they will not break the bank and will always be a balance of labor and materials that is fair to the artist, ME. So I hope you'll USE the beads you buy from my booth as I'd love to see what you make from them. See you all in Tucson soon at the To Bead True Blue Show at the Manning House Mansion!