So ... what has Lisa been up to?
No good?
Really, is that what you think?
I've been really good...
Well, sort of...
If you must ask and know...
Would you believe that I finished designing, beading and writing the FIFTH Beadwork Designer of the Year project, worked on two different state sales taxes for the first quarter of 2009, worked on federal taxes, ... etc. etc. since my last post here.
Uhmmm... (cough)
(coughing again)
Yes, I even shopped for yarns for my growing stash in between...
I know I had said I was going to write about my adventures and delicious meals from my Santa Fe trip and I will...
So after all that hard work, what is a girl to do?
But KNIT. And knit she did.
A lot of people, especially friends, ask me when I find time to knit with all the things I get myself into.
When there is a will, *I* make the way.
Did I ever say I did housework?
Ah ha!
There's my secret revealed.
But really... I find time to knit in between and before sleep. My hands are always busy working on something. I can not sit still.
After all the hard work, I needed to unwind so I cast on for a new project setting aside my Rambling Rows Blanket. With all the yarns I have been procuring I had no excuse but to KNIT! Besides my friend Teresa sent me this link to a
CBS news story featuring how knitting and crocheting (which I haven't started teaching myself "yet") is actually very therapeutic and good for one's health. Hey! I'm knitting for my health. I shared the video with Nick to convince him before he walked into my walk in closet full of newly bought yarn.
Eeek (biting nails)
He was convinced, I think
And I am allowed to continue procuring yarns (within reason)!
THANKS Teresa!
So after spending some time catching up with older issues of
Knitty, I found this wonderful project from the Winter 2008 issue I had to try. Besides I wanted to make something for my sister Sandy's birthday on April 15th! She is a tax baby!
I am graduating. I graduated from scarves to blankets and am now moving towards more complicated projects... working towards that eventual first sweater where I'd actually have to swatch and check gauge. Like I said in the last Knitting Interlude, I probably can jump into a more complicated project but I'm just enjoying the process. The yarn just feels good in my hands as each stitch is made and created. From simple materials, tools and my hands I made a wonderful gift for my sister.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah creating is so so wonderful.
I would like to share with you
Maja. What a wonderful and actually very simple knit. Thank you Anniken Allis for sharing this pattern with us all through Knitty. I love Knitty.
Yarns: Elsebeth Lavold Silky Wool, Turquoise #28 (3.5 skeins)
Yarntopia Treasures, Handpainted Wool Silk, Dragonfly colorway (2 skeins)
Needles: US 9
Front View
Back View
Closeup of the "X" Stitches
Blocking the Shawl
As you can see it was a bit tricky to block since my blocking board was not large enough. I just extended my blocking to the carpet. Why not? It worked! I wet blocked the shawl after rinsing the shawl for 15 minutes in
Eucalan (lavender scent!) which I just received from
So the shawl will be gifted to my sister Tuesday.
Did you ask me something?
Uh.... yes, YOU KNOW ME. I can never only make one of anything. So I DID cast on for another Maja already. I do have to make one for myself you know. I will share the next version in a future Knitting Interlude post.
My Rambling Rows Blanket? I need to hunt down a few more skeins of the discontinued Noro Kureyon Colorway #157 to finish it. I am close, very close to finishing and then will decide on a border.
Pardon me as I go knit a few more rows ...before continuing to get ready for the Northern California Bead Society Bazaar on April 18th. Come see me there if you are visiting the show and are in NorCal. I am located in booth #206 on the first aisle, a new wonderful location!
Keep creating and knitting for your health!