Today I mourn the passing of my beloved pomeranian Amber, who passed to a better place this morning. She suffered from a collapsing trachea, which is a common ailment of pomeranians, as they age. A small heart murmur exasperated her situation these later years and she suffered from coughs. She was with us for eleven wonderful years. She loved life, me and was the most affectionate dog amongst our three.
Life is precious and you never know when you will lose a love one. My days are emptier without her companionship but I will survive. I still can't believe that she is gone when only yesterday she was frolicking and running in the backyard, happily sitting under the shade of a tree (where she now rests in peace). Although her passing is an extremely sad event in our family, I am glad she was able to hold on until I returned from Philly, to say goodbye. I was only able to spend 3 days with her after Philly and wished I had more time with her but she left us knowing she was deeply loved. In the three years that I've worked from home, every day I would take breaks throughout the day to speak or play with her. I will continue to speak to her, as she will forever be in my thoughts/heart. She may be physically gone but my memories of her will forever be fresh.

Amber was the shining light in my life and a great companion, keeping me company as I worked. She saw me through a lot, in these years, through joys and disappointments. I will deeply miss her. I love you Amber (aka Hamburger, as her nickname). Mommy will miss your smile, kisses and cuddles. You will always be in my thoughts.

Thank you for allowing me to share my loss with you all,